
Ryzen 3600 cinebench r20
Ryzen 3600 cinebench r20

  1. Ryzen 3600 cinebench r20 Pc#
  2. Ryzen 3600 cinebench r20 series#
  3. Ryzen 3600 cinebench r20 windows#

They turn off a lot of stuff, have at least 16GB RAM (most likely with custom timings), a better GPU and a better chipset. Increasing RAM to 16GB at 3600Mhz, a better GPU, moving up to an X470-570 chipset would all help that score a little bit.Ĭomparing your CPU to another that is slightly faster stock can mean all the things I just said. You're at the proverbial wall of what that CPU can do. An all core OC has no benefit and it costs you in single threaded apps and benchmarks. If you manually set it to have a constant Vcore of 1.45v, it will wear out the CPU. Try testing again.īottom line is it defective or poor performance, no.

Ryzen 3600 cinebench r20 windows#

Go into "Settings", "Apps" and turn off all the back round apps but Windows Security. Visual appearance is probably set to "Let Windows adjust what's best for my PC", change that to "What's best for performance" and close the window. You might have back round apps or things to turn off like right click "This PC", "Properties" and go to "Advanced System Settings", select "Performance". **Edit: Put 2 x 8GB 3600Mhz with CL16 RAM in and retest too. You're running 1 x 8GB stick of RAM and a baseline GPU, that will affect the score. They're actually decent for a 3600 with your hardware. Yours will never come close to the 3700X. There's a comparison between your 3600 and a 3700X. AMD Ryzen 7 3700X - Benchmark and Specs () Is my motherboard killing my processor or my CPU's silicon sucksĪMD Ryvs. Well, Gained some performance but How are people getting 3510+ scores with stock settings out of it? Some people's voltage doesn't go beyond 1.3V.

Ryzen 3600 cinebench r20 series#

For that you need something like the 5600X or 5900X and a 6000 series GPU, when they work the bugs out and those are readily available, the Earth can shatter.:smileyhappy: Or find the CPU boosts to 4.3 on 3-4 cores longer than before. You might go from a Cinebench R-15 of 3730 to 3940 for an example, just tossing a number. If you have any of those settings I mentioned and play with those, you'll see some gains but don't expect this amazing increase I think some hype up. That requires more than I can get into here and one to already have some advanced know how. Those temps are fine and you won't throttle until 90c, although I'd recommend staying below that.įor the advanced user/builder, custom RAM timings can offer moderate gains at 3600mhz. For that you need something like the 5600X or 5900X and a 6000 series GPU, when they work the bugs out and those are readily available, the Earth can voltage is normal.

ryzen 3600 cinebench r20

Ryzen 3600 cinebench r20 Pc#

Lastly the Pc is the sum of it's parts from RAM,GPU, CPU and how all 3 are tuned which makes the differences in each build.įor the advanced user/builder, custom RAM timings can offer moderate gains at 3600mhz. The fact I might squeeze out 5 FPS more than your non-X you'll never see on screen. Benchmarks are one thing, how is "real world" performance? Getting the FPS you expect? Game scores and actual program speeds are what's important. So yours max boosting to 4.1 is quite good and you bought the 65W part as well. Usually there's some extra tweaking that you can't run 24/7 involved. Comparing a 3600-3600X to a 3700X is not fair as those that achieve near matching the 3700X is rare. Totally normal and the way these Ryzen chips are designed to run. That my voltage runs up to 1.48v on 3-4 cores at a time while they are boosting to 4.2-4.397Ghz and then the voltage/speed drops and the other cores fire up. I have the 3600X and can tell you that there's no benefit to an all core OC at 4.3Ghz. However, the numbers you quoted via benchmarks, etc., are in line with the 3600 non-X and aren't too bad at all. This puts the CPU at a 1:1 optimal ratio all the time and can improve responsiveness, even add some FPS. Go no higher and always simply match half the RAM speed. There should be a setting for the "Infinity Fabric" called FCLK or IF, set that to half of your RAM speed. If thermals go above 80c, turn Scalar down to "auto" or 1-3X, might need to play with that. Depending on your board and BIOS you may have some settings like: Enable PBO, Unlock Uncore, Scalar to 10X, CPU EDC to "motherboard" vs. To get more performance, depending on your BIOS and cooling solution there may be a few things.

ryzen 3600 cinebench r20

Those temps are fine and you won't throttle until 90c, although I'd recommend staying below that.

Ryzen 3600 cinebench r20